DS Tech, Korea is specialized in design, manufacture, installation and commissioning a wide range of Material Handling Systems covering Harbor Cargo Equipment and Bulk Handling Equipment related to Power Plants and iron and steel Plants, thereafter, inherited the experience and know-how accumulated in Material Handling System business area by Doosan Heavy Industries & Construction for the past 35 years.

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DS Tech, Korea (디에스 텍)는 두산중공업㈜ 운반사업분야 35년간의 축적 된 경험과 Know-How를 계승하기 위하여 설립 된 회사로써, 항만설비 및 발전소, 제철소와 관련 된 원료설비 등 운반설비 전 분야에 대한 설계, 제작, 시공 전문 회사입니다.
